Apple And Samsung Both Lost. So Did Buyers

The fallout from Apple’s win over Samsung in a California patent court has been an extension of the rhetoric that took place within the court. Apple, smug after its billion-dollar settlement, claims the whole case was about values. Samsung still holds to the line that Apple’s design patents are frivolous and the real loser is the consumer. Neither side is wrong.As much as Apple and Samsung want everybody to believe that one is on the side of good while the other is completely evil, the reality...

Futurist's Cheat Sheet: Biometric Authentication

The problem is not new. One way or another, people have to validate their identities. I am trying to enter a building or a Web service that only Joe Smith should have access to, I need to offer evidence that I am, indeed, Joe Smith. For decades, authentication has required cards and passwords. In the near future, you might just use a part of your body. (The "Futurist's Cheatsheet" series surveys technologies on the horizon: their promise, how likely they are, and when they might become...

After Instagram: 6 Alternative Photo Apps To Try

Editor's note: This post was originally published by our partners at It's unlikely the public's love of Instagram will die down any time soon, but what if you just want to bring an app of fresh air to your smartphone camera routine? Consider expanding your vision to other apps. Just like the photography service you already know so well, there are plenty of other awesome apps and communities...

Weekly Wrap-Up: The Future Of Streams, Facebook's New iOS App, Why Topic Pages Are The Next Big Thing

The future of Twitter streams, Facebook's new iOS app, and why topic pages are the next big thing. All of this and more in the ReadWriteWeb Weekly Wrap-up.After the jump you'll find more of this week's top news stories on some of the key topics that are shaping the Web - Location, App Stores and Real-Time Web - plus highlights from some of our six channels. Read on for more.One of the five reasons...

Who Will Have The Biggest Impact On Your Wallet - Obama or Romney?

Politify is a recently launched web application that uses IRS and Census data to show a simulation of how President Obama and Mitt Romney's economic plans will impact areas of the country by zip code, even allowing users to zoom in on their own neighborhood.Last year, during primary season, Politify began as a web app that offered a simple way to decide what presidential primary candidate would be best for voters economically. Now that the dust has cleared and we're down to two candidates, the...

Does Your Startup Need A Technical Co-Founder?

In today’s startup landscape, practically everything can be outsourced. But when it comes to core technical skills, more and more entrepreneurs are opting to partner with technical co-founders rather than hiring someone for an in-house position. So how do you decide what’s right for your new company?To find the best way to integrate core technical skills into a start up, we asked eight successful young entrepreneurs from the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) whether startups need tech-oriented founders.If...

7 Pearls Of Startup Wisdom From Investors and Innovators Who Matter

From the art of the pitch to a smooth sale and everything in between, these seven tenets come straight from the annals of successful startups. Last week, Vancouver's GROW 2012 conference convened some all-stars of the startup scene, stirring together corporate leads from Indiegogo, Eventbrite, Zite, Paypal, Cheezburger Inc. and more with infamous super angel Dave McClure and a smattering...

Facebook’s Updated iPhone App Aids Internet of Things

Buried in the details of last week’s update to Facebook’s now-native iOS app was a small bit of technology that could have potentially big impact on the future of the Internet of Things.The technology is called Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT), an IBM-developed protocol for real-time messaging over networks with low power and bandwidth. MQTT is now under the hood within Facebook’s iOS app’s messaging features, part of Facebook’s efforts to pull in the features from its native Messenger...

Futurist's Cheat Sheet: Human Augmentation

As long as there have been humans, there have been dreams of super humans. Eyeglasses started sharpening vision in the 1200s, pacemakers have been implanted to extend lifespans since the late 1950s, and the first strength-amplifying robotic exoskeletons shipped earlier this year. But those innovations are only the beginning. With advances in technology, the ability to vastly enhance human capabilities is right around the corner. Here is an overview of current efforts and their potential. (The "Futurist's...

ReadWriteWeb DeathWatch: Zynga

Zynga’s Mafia Wars, Farmville and Bubble Safari are enormously popular pastimes that helped define social/casual gaming. But faced with a changing market and an unpopular leader, can Zynga innovate its way out of the hole it keeps digging for itself?Zynga’s climb to the top of social gaming didn’t take long. In 2007, Mark Pincus launched the Texas Hold'Em Poker app (now Zynga Poker) on Facebook....

Analysts Reveal Exactly How Much Windows 8 Will Boost Flagging PC Sales

Analysts at IDC said Friday that the launch of Windows 8 in October will be directly responsible for boosting the flat U.S. PC market into a period of moderate growth next year. And they were surprisingly specific about how big a bump Microsoft’s new operation system will deliver.David Daoud, research director of personal computing at IDC, said the firm is attributing 5 percentage points of U.S. PC market unit growth to Windows 8.“In other words, for 2013, the market otherwise would have been flat,”...

Apple Wants Injunction Against 8 Samsung Phones

Apple has requested an injuction against the sale of eight Samsung devices. The move follows its patent-infringement victory over Samsung.According to The Verge, Apple is requesting injunctions against sales of eight Samsung devicess (see the court document here). Apple is going after some of Samsung’s most popular 2011 products. Apple’s list includes iterations of the Galaxy S II, which was widely considered to be the best Android smartphone of 2011. The S II came in a variety of flavors...

Should Your Company Just Say "No" To Dropbox?

As the business world increasingly turns to mobile devices and cloud-based file-sharing services to store or collaborate on important documents, the amount of information that’s falling into the wrong hands keeps climbing.The numbers tell the tale: 90% of organizations had a leak of sensitive or confidential information over the past year. That’s one of the take-aways from a new study from security analysts at the Ponemon Insitute.Services like Dropbox, Bitcasa YouSendIt and others are useful and...

First Look: State, A Streams App Of The Future

As streams of information become more popular on the Web, we need better ways to consume and manage them. Apps that allow you to aggregate content from different sources - Twitter, Facebook, blogs, news websites and more - may become very popular. That's if they can overcome the increasingly walled gardens of Facebook and Twitter. Which makes creating a streams app a risky proposition, because there...

Apple And Samsung Both Lost. So Did Buyers

The fallout from Apple’s win over Samsung in a California patent court has been an extension of the rhetoric that took place within the court. Apple, smug after its billion-dollar settlement, claims the whole case was about values. Samsung still holds to the line that Apple’s design patents are frivolous and the real loser is the consumer. Neither side is wrong.As much as Apple and Samsung want everybody to believe that one is on the side of good while the other is completely evil, the reality...

Does Your Startup Need A Technical Co-Founder?

In today’s startup landscape, practically everything can be outsourced. But when it comes to core technical skills, more and more entrepreneurs are opting to partner with technical co-founders rather than hiring someone for an in-house position. So how do you decide what’s right for your new company?To find the best way to integrate core technical skills into a start up, we asked eight successful young entrepreneurs from the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) whether startups need tech-oriented founders.If...

Apple Wants Injunction Against 8 Samsung Phones

Apple has requested an injuction against the sale of eight Samsung devices. The move follows its patent-infringement victory over Samsung.According to The Verge, Apple is requesting injunctions against sales of eight Samsung devicess (see the court document here). Apple is going after some of Samsung’s most popular 2011 products. Apple’s list includes iterations of the Galaxy S II, which was widely considered to be the best Android smartphone of 2011. The S II came in a variety of flavors...

Why Microsoft is Celebrating Apple’s Patent Win Over Samsung

Microsoft was pretty much a bystander in Apple’s patent battle with Samsung, but the Windows folks couldn’t be happier with Apple’s $1.05 billion victory. By signing a patent deal with Apple and taking its own direction for smartphones, Microsoft is now better positioned to become a viable alternative to the Apple ecosystem.Trouble for Samsung - which will appeal the ruling - threatens to tarnish the entire Android ecosystem (though Google may believe Android itself is immune, see Two Ways Samsung’s...

Who Will Have The Biggest Impact On Your Wallet - Obama or Romney?

Politify is a recently launched web application that uses IRS and Census data to show a simulation of how President Obama and Mitt Romney's economic plans will impact areas of the country by zip code, even allowing users to zoom in on their own neighborhood.Last year, during primary season, Politify began as a web app that offered a simple way to decide what presidential primary candidate would be best for voters economically. Now that the dust has cleared and we're down to two candidates, the...

Two Ways Samsung’s Court Loss To Apple Is Actually Good For Google

In the wake of Samsung’s $1.05 billion punch in the nose from Apple in their high-stakes patent trial, the general reaction seems to be that Samsung’s loss is also a major setback for Google and Android. That’s not necessarily the whole story. In some ways, Apple could actually be doing Google an unintended favor.For the most part, Google’s statement to the press issued Sunday has been portrayed as if Google is running for the hills. But there is another way to interpret Google’s statement....

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