var modelValue = 'SupportApple';var akamaiUrl = ""; var aiSearchServiceURL ="";var podLocaleValue="en_US"; var aiCrossDomainSearchServiceURL ="";How to find your AppleCare registration numberYou'll need the AppleCare registration number to register a recently purchased AppleCare agreement if your agreement hasn't been registered yet.
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Products AffectedApple Cinema Displays, Apple TV, Desktop Computers, Portable Computers, Xsan, iPad, iPhone, iPod
In general, to find the registration number of any AppleCare agreement:
Check inside the original retail box or envelope of the agreement. Refer to the table below for images of the boxes. Find a card or booklet called "Getting Started" or "Web Registration Instructions." This card or booklet will show your AppleCare agreement's registration number.Note:
If you do not have the retail box or envelope or cannot find the card or booklet inside, contact AppleCare Agreement Support with your original receipt (or purchase order) and the serial number of the product covered by the agreement. If you purchase your AppleCare agreement at the same time as your hardware products from the Apple Online Store, the Apple Retail Store, or select Apple resellers, your AppleCare agreement may be automatically registered. To verify that your hardware is covered under the AppleCare agreement, click here.
For detailed instructions by AppleCare agreement type, refer to the table below:
For Mac, iPad, iPod, iPhone, and Apple TV owners For professionals
AppleCare Protection Plan

AppleCare Professional Video Support For help desks

AppleCare Help Desk Support

AppleCare Help Desk Tools

AppleCare Technician Training For IT departments

AppleCare OS Support

AppleCare Xsan Support Agreement

AppleCare Premium Service and Support
for Xserve Additional Information
After you find your registration number, you can activate your agreement online at AppleCare Agreement Support.
Apple registration numbers and Apple hardware product serial numbers may sometimes contain the number "0" (zero), but not the letter "O".
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