var modelValue = 'SupportApple';var akamaiUrl = ""; var aiSearchServiceURL ="";var podLocaleValue="en_US"; var aiCrossDomainSearchServiceURL ="";Troubleshooting AirPlay and AirPlay MirroringUse these steps if:
The AirPlay icon doesn't appear on your iOS device, or iTunes on your computer, after following instructions about how to use AirPlay or AirPlay Mirroring.or There are performance issues while using AirPlay streaming or AirPlay Mirroring.">ACUtil.setPOD('us~en'); var articleId = "TS4215"; var ACStaticText = { 'more': '…more', 'less': 'less' };KmLoader.akamaiUrl = '';//function sendRead()var locale = 'en_US';Event.observe(window, 'load', function() {ACHistory.addKbView('TS4215', 'Troubleshooting AirPlay and AirPlay Mirroring', 'en_US', 'unknown');ACUtil.getMultipleOffers('133077,PL113,PF9,133607,PF22', 'TROUBLESHOOTING_ARTICLES', 'en_US', 'false');ACUtil.reportView('TS4215', 'en_US');// Apple Instant Feed statistics code if(enableAppleInstant == "yes"){var store = new Persist.Store('FeedStats');if (store.get('resultActivity')=='true'){var time = new Date();// Fix for /*setReadTimer = setTimeout(function(){var feedStats = new ACFeedStatistics();feedStats.updateRead('TS4215', store.get('position'));store.remove('TS4215');store.remove('position');}, 3000);*///store.set('TS4215', time.getTime());store.set('timeStart', time.getTime());}} });Event.observe(window, 'beforeunload', function(){// Apple Instant Feed statistics code if(enableAppleInstant == "yes"){ var store = new Persist.Store('FeedStats'); if (store.get('resultActivity')=='true' && store.get('timeStart') !== null){ var time = new Date();//var timeDiff = time.getTime() - store.get('TS4215');var timeDiff = time.getTime() - store.get('timeStart');var timeSpent = Math.floor(timeDiff/1000);var feedStats = new ACFeedStatistics();// Fix for if (timeDiff Troubleshooting AirPlay and AirPlay Mirroring Products Affected
Apple TV (2nd generation), Apple TV (3rd generation), iPad, iPhone, iPod touch
SymptomsUse these steps if:
The AirPlay icon doesn't appear on your iOS device, or iTunes on your computer, after following instructions about how to use AirPlay or AirPlay Mirroring.or There are performance issues while using AirPlay streaming or AirPlay Mirroring. Resolution
If the AirPlay icon doesn't appear
Check for the AirPlay icon ( ) in the recently used apps section on your iOS device, or in iTunes on your computer (as in these articles about how to use AirPlay and how to use AirPlay Mirroring). The icon will only appear if your device or computer is logged onto a Wi-Fi network which has an AirPlay-enabled recipient, such as Apple TV (2nd generation or 3rd generation).
If you are still unable to see the AirPlay icon, try one of the following steps:
Verify that your AirPlay-enabled devices have the most up-to-date software or firmware. Verify that your iOS device has Wi-Fi turned on. Enable Wi-Fi on your iOS device by going to Settings > Wi-Fi. Verify that all your AirPlay-enabled devices are logged on to the same home Wi-Fi network (check the home network names on your devices to confirm). If trying to AirPlay, or AirPlay mirror, to your Apple TV (2nd or 3rd generation), ensure that AirPlay is enabled on your Apple TV as well. You can enable or disable AirPlay on Apple TV in the AirPlay menu: Settings > AirPlay Check Internet or network connectivity on all affected devices. Temporarily disable firewalls (both network and local) and security software. Security software and firewalls may block ports that AirPlay uses to stream content. You can often resolve issues with security software by updating, correctly configuring, or uninstalling security software. If attempting to use AirPlay from a third-party app or a website from your Safari app on your iOS device, confirm that the app or website is AirPlay compatible (refer to the developers of the app or website for additional information).Troubleshooting performance issues with AirPlay or AirPlay Mirroring
If you are experiencing intermittent playback or significant network lag with AirPlay or AirPlay Mirroring, it could be due to a weak Wi-Fi connection, interference, or the distance between the Wi-Fi router and your iOS device, Apple TV or AirPort Express. Try the following suggestions:
Ensure that other devices are not trying to stream to the same Apple TV at the same time. Turn off Bluetooth on your iOS device by tapping Settings > General > Bluetooth. Ensure that your Wi-Fi router is set up with the recommended settings for the best performance. Certain external devices, such as microwave ovens and baby monitors, may interfere with a Wi-Fi network. Try moving or disabling these devices. If possible, try to locate your Wi-Fi router in the same room as your Apple TV and iPhone/iPad. If your wireless and wired networks are the same, try connecting your Apple TV to the router via Ethernet instead of Wi-Fi. If the Wi-Fi router has an external antenna, check to see that is it connected properly and in good condition. Use the Wi-Fi network troubleshooting guide to resolve interference and other issues.Additional Information Learn more about recently used apps and multitasking on iOS. Find out more about using AirPlay or using AirPlay Mirroring. $('articlecontent').select('img').each(function(element) { if(element.width > 640 ){ var imageDiv = document.createElement('div'); imageDiv.setStyle({ 'display':'block', 'width':'660px', 'overflow':'auto', 'border':'1px solid #dedede','margin-right': '15px'}); element.parentNode.replaceChild(imageDiv, element); imageDiv.appendChild(element); } }); $('articlecontent').select('table').each(function(element) { if(element.width > 660 || element.offsetWidth>660){ var tableDiv = document.createElement('div'); tableDiv.setAttribute("class","kbtablecontainer"); element.setAttribute("style","margin-bottom:0px !important"); element.parentNode.replaceChild(tableDiv, element); tableDiv.appendChild(element); } }); Rate this article:Not helpfulSomewhat helpfulHelpfulVery helpfulSolved my problemOne Moment PleaseThanks for rating this article Not helpful Somewhat helpful Helpful Very helpful Solved my problem

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