var modelValue = 'SupportApple';var akamaiUrl = ""; var aiSearchServiceURL ="";var podLocaleValue="en_US"; var aiCrossDomainSearchServiceURL ="";Using AirPlayLearn how to use AirPlay to stream videos, music, and photos wirelessly from your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or iTunes on your computer, to your HDTV and speakers via Apple TV (2nd and 3rd generation), or to your AirPlay speakers or receivers, including AirPort Express.
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Products AffectedApple TV, Apple TV (3rd generation), iPad, iPad 2, iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod touch (2nd generation), iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation)
Note: To learn more about using AirPlay Mirroring, click here.
Enabling AirPlay from your iPhone, iPad or iPod touchYou can AirPlay videos, music or photos from a variety of different locations on your iOS device, including from within the Photos, Videos, Safari and Music apps, or directly from recently used apps.
To AirPlay video or photo content to your Apple TV:
Connect your iOS device and Apple TV to the same Wi-Fi network. Open either the Videos, Safari or Photos app on your device. Locate and tap the AirPlay icon
To AirPlay audio content to your Apple TV or AirPlay speakers or receivers, including AirPort Express:
Connect your iOS device and Apple TV, AirPlay speakers, receiver or AirPort Express to the same Wi-Fi network. Open the Music or Safari app on your device. Locate and tap the AirPlay icon.
Note: The images of a TV screen or speaker
next to each AirPlay device in the AirPlay menu indicate the type of media content you can stream to that device.
To stream music or videos from your computer to an Apple TV or AirPort Express:
Connect your computer and Apple TV to the same Wi-Fi network. Open iTunes (10.2 or later). Locate and click the
Note: The images of a TV screen or speaker
next to each AirPlay device in the AirPlay menu indicate the type of media content you can stream to that device.
To get full AirPlay features, make sure your AirPlay-enabled devices are running the latest software updates. The table below identifies minimum AirPlay requirements and capabilities:
Stream content from Requirement Notes iPadiOS 4.3 or later.*
From the Videos, iPod, Photos, Music, and YouTube apps on iOS devices, stream videos, music, and photos to an Apple TV (2nd and 3rd generation), or stream music to an AirPort Express or compatible third-party device.With iOS 4.3 and later, you can also stream video and audio from a website or a third-party app installed on your iOS device if the developer for the app or website has added AirPlay functionality. iPhone (3GS or later) iPod touch
(2nd generation or later) Computer iTunes 10.2 or later. Stream videos and music from your iTunes library to an Apple TV (2nd and 3rd generation), or music to an AirPort Express or compatible third-party device. Stream content to Requirement Notes Apple TV (3rd generation) Apple TV software version 5.0 or later. Play streamed videos, music, and photos from an AirPlay-enabled iOS device. Play streamed videos or music from iTunes on your computer.** Apple TV (2nd generation)
Apple TV software version 4.2 or later.
Play streamed videos, music, and photos from an AirPlay-enabled iOS device. Play streamed videos or music from iTunes on your computer.** AirPort Express AirPort firmware 7.4.2 or later.*** Play streamed audio from an AirPlay-enabled iOS device or iTunes on your computer.* If using an iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1 and later is recommended when streaming audio to an AirPlay audio device.
** Apple TV requires an active Internet connection in order to stream protected content via AirPlay.
***Applies only to models that can update to AirPort firmware 7.4.2 or later. Learn more about how to update your AirPort Express firmware.
Additional Information For information about troubleshooting AirPlay or AirPlay mirroring, see Troubleshooting AirPlay and AirPlay Mirroring. For more information on recently used apps, and multitasking on iOS, read this article. $('articlecontent').select('img').each(function(element) { if(element.width > 640 ){ var imageDiv = document.createElement('div'); imageDiv.setStyle({ 'display':'block', 'width':'660px', 'overflow':'auto', 'border':'1px solid #dedede','margin-right': '15px'}); element.parentNode.replaceChild(imageDiv, element); imageDiv.appendChild(element); } }); $('articlecontent').select('table').each(function(element) { if(element.width > 660 || element.offsetWidth>660){ var tableDiv = document.createElement('div'); tableDiv.setAttribute("class","kbtablecontainer"); element.setAttribute("style","margin-bottom:0px !important"); element.parentNode.replaceChild(tableDiv, element); tableDiv.appendChild(element); } }); Important: Information about products not manufactured by Apple is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute Apple’s recommendation or endorsement. Please contact the vendor for additional information. Rate this article:Not helpfulSomewhat helpfulHelpfulVery helpfulSolved my problemOne Moment PleaseThanks for rating this article Not helpful Somewhat helpful Helpful Very helpful Solved my problem

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